
Oganesson Facts Read key information and facts about element Oganesson Name Oganesson Atomic Number 118 Atomic Symbol Og Atomic Weight 294 Phase Solid Color – Appearance – Classification Noble Gas Group in Periodic Table 18 Group Name helium family or neon family Period in Periodic Table period 7 Block in Periodic Table p -block Electronic Configuration [Rn] 5f14 6d10 … Read more

List of Noble Gas Elements

Group of element – Noble Gas Name Symbol Atomic Number Atomic weigth Helium He 2 4.002602 Neon Ne 10 20.1797 Argon Ar 18 39.948 Krypton Kr 36 83.8 Xenon Xe 54 131.29 Radon Rn 86 -222.0176

Helium (He)

Helium is a chemical element with the atomic number 2 in the periodic table. With 1.38 parts per million of abundance, it’s the second most plentiful chemical element in Earth’s atmosphere after hydrogen.  Element 2 is classified as a member of the noble gases family of elements, i.e in Group 18 (VIIIA) of the periodic … Read more

Neon (Ne)

Neon is a chemical element with the atomic number 10 in the periodic table. It’s the fourth most abundant element found in the Universe, with an abundance of 0.00022% in Earth’s crust. Being a member of the noble gasses group in the periodic table, this chemically inert substance has eight valence electrons and does not … Read more

Argon (Ar)

Argon is the third most plentiful natural gas found in the Earth’s atmosphere. It has no color, odor, or taste. With the chemical symbol Ar and atomic number 18, argon is an inert gas belonging to the family of monatomic noble gases in the periodic table of elements. This chemical element is also the first … Read more

Krypton (Kr)

Krypton is a chemical element with the atomic number 36 in the periodic table. According to the chemical calculations, there is about 0.000108 to 0.000114 percent of krypton gas in Earth’s atmosphere. Trace amounts of krypton can also be naturally formed in some minerals contained in Earth’s crust by the disintegration of radioactive elements such … Read more

Xenon (Xe)

Xenon is a chemical element with the atomic number 54 in the periodic table. It can be traced in Earth’s crust and mantle with an abundance of 30 parts per trillion (0.000000003%). Since element 54 is a gaseous substance that escapes easily into the atmosphere, larger quantities of this trace gas cannot remain in the … Read more

Radon (Rn)

Radon is a radioactive chemical element with the atomic number 86 in the periodic table. It’s found in the soil and rocks that constitute Earth’s crust. As a member of the noble gas family of periodic table elements, this monoatomic gas has eight valence electrons that prevent radon from making chemical reactions with other chemical … Read more