Tellurium (Te)

Tellurium is a chemical element with the atomic number 52 in the periodic table. It’s an extremely rarely found element in Earth’s crust. Its occurrence can be compared with that of the element platinum. Being a member of the chalcogen elements family of the periodic table, this rare, silver-white metalloid element possesses the chemical properties … Read more

Arsenic (Ar)

Arsenic is a chemical element with an atomic number 33 in the periodic table of elements. There’s 1.5–2 ppm of this crystalline metalloid in the Earth’s crust. Being a member of the phosphorus family of periodic table elements, this chemical element has five valence electrons that help arsenic make numerous compounds with other substances. Chemical … Read more

Silicon (Si)

Silicon is a chemical element with the atomic number 14 in the periodic table. With an abundance of 27.7% in Earth’s crust, it’s the second most abundant chemical element.  Being a member of the carbon family of periodic table elements, this electropositive non-metal element has four valence electrons and numerous naturally occurring compounds. As the … Read more

Boron (B)

Boron is a metalloid with an atomic number of 5 in the periodic table of elements. It’s found in an amount of 0.00086 percent in the Earth’s crust. Being a member of the boron family of periodic table elements, this chemical substance has three valence electrons. While boron is labeled as a non-metalic element, the … Read more

Polonium (Po)

Polonium is a chemical element with the atomic number 84 in the periodic table. It’s a rare and highly radioactive metal. The natural abundance of element 84 in Earth’s crust is only 2 × 10 −10 milligrams per kilogram.  Being a member of the chalcogen family of the periodic table, this radioactive metalloid has six … Read more

Antimony (Sb)

Antimony is a chemical element with atomic number 51 in the periodic table. With an estimated 0.00002% to 0.0005% ppm natural abundance, antimony is the 62nd most plentiful substance found in Earth’s crust. Being a member of the nitrogen family of elements, this toxic metalloid has five valence electrons that take part in the formation … Read more

Germanium (Ge)

Germanium is a chemical element with an atomic number of 32 in the periodic table. There’s about 1.6 ppm of this substance in Earth’s crust. Being a member of the carbon family of elements, this metalloid has four valence electrons, low toxicity, and is transparent to infrared radiation.  Chemical and Physical Properties of Germanium Property … Read more